What do we eat today?

What do we eat today? That’s what we thought when we were shopping in the supermarket yesterday. And then we say these chicken toes. I remembered eating them when I was in Hong Kong a few years ago. We skipped them and bought some other stuff to eat :-)

Categorized as Daily life

iPhone crash

This happens when you drop your iPhone. Just replaced the glass+touch and now it looks like it’s new…. Though the phone did function completely (including touch functionality) with the broken glass. How do they do that :-) I hope I won’t drop my iPad :-S

Categorized as Daily life

Panama Kanaal

Kwart voor vijf ging de wekker. Zes uur opstaan en dan half zeven de taxi. We gaan vandaag met de trein naar Colon. We stappen in Panama City op de trein van de Panama Canal Railway Company die al sinds 1855 bestaat en laten ons langs de rivier en soms door sommige stukken jungle van… Continue reading Panama Kanaal

Categorized as Panama